Placeholder text, please change

Welcome to the home of the Fightin' Hornet Choirs!

Mrs. Cherith Wells, Choral Director

[email protected]


Mrs. Colleen Petty, Associate Choral Director

[email protected]


GHS/GJH Choir Room: 254-865-8281 x. 5233

INT Choir Room: 254-865-2526 x. 4428




Please sign up to receive text reminders about Choir happenings! (Students only)


SEND A TEXT TO 81010 (as the phone number)


The body of the message should be the “class code” exactly as it appears below:


1st period 6th Grade Choir:  @inchoir6th


2nd period HS Varsity Choir:  @ghvarsity2


3rd period JH Girls Choir: @gjhgirls3


4th period JH Advanced Choir: @jhadvchoir


6th period HS JV Mixed:  @ghsjvmix


7th period HS Women's Choir:  @ghswomen7


8th period JH/HS Boys2Men:  @boys2men8



You’ll get a welcome text from Remind, it may also ask if you are a parent, teacher or student and it may ask for your name, if you are new to Remind.


Thank you for helping us keep you in the loop!


YOU CAN ALSO EMAIL MRS. WELLS and request to be added to the Choir email list!